Public Type UserRevision
    Name As String
    Revision As String
End Type

Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub auto_open()
    ' F1キーを殺す
    Application.OnKey "{F1}", ""
    'キー コード
    'Shift  +
    'Ctrl   ^
    'Alt    %
    Application.OnKey "^+c", "CleanCopy"
    Application.OnKey "^+v", "PasteValue"
End Sub

' コピー時、末尾にLFがつくのを防ぐ
Sub CleanCopy()
    Application.StatusBar = "copied."

    ' 全ての選択されたセル値をCRLFで結合
    Dim val As String
    For i = 1 To Selection.Count
        If (Len(val) > 0) Then
            val = val & vbCrLf
        End If
        val = val & Selection(i).Value
    ' 文字列の末尾からすべての改行コードを除く
    val = TrimEndNewLine(val)

    ' クリップボードへ送る
    Call Copy_ClipBoard(val)
    ' Dim cb As New DataObject
    ' cb.SetText val
    ' cb.PutInClipboard
    ' 少し待機してからステータスバーをクリアする
    For resonance = 0 To 100
        Sleep 10
        resonance = resonance + 1
    Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Copy_ClipBoard(cpy_txt As String)
    If True Then
        With CreateObject("Forms.TextBox.1")
            .MultiLine = True
            .Text = cpy_txt
            .SelStart = 0
            .SelLength = .TextLength
        End With
        Dim CB As New DataObject
        With CB
            .SetText cpy_txt    ''変数のデータをDataObjectに格納する
            .PutInClipboard     ''DataObjectのデータをクリップボードに格納する
        End With
    End If
End Sub

' 文字列の末尾からすべての改行コードを除く
Function TrimEndNewLine(文字列 As String) As String

  Dim strTmp As String

  strTmp = 文字列

  Do Until Right(strTmp, 2) <> vbCrLf
    strTmp = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 2)

  Do Until Right(strTmp, 1) <> vbLf
    strTmp = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
  Do Until Right(strTmp, 1) <> vbCr
    strTmp = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)

  TrimEndNewLine = strTmp

End Function

' 貼り付け時、結合セル対するエラーを防止する
Sub PasteValue()
    Application.StatusBar = "PasteValue"

    Dim CB As New DataObject
    Dim sel As Range
    Set sel = Selection
    If Application.CutCopyMode Then
        sel.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats
        ' ペーストの起点を決定
        Dim st As Range         ' ペースト起点
        Set st = sel.Range("A1")
        ' クリップボードからデータ取得
        Dim c_rows As Variant
        c_rows = Split(CB.GetText, vbCrLf)
        ' 処理中の行/列番号
        Dim i_row As Integer
        i_row = st.Row
        Dim i_col As Integer
        i_col = st.Column
        ' ペースト処理
        For i = LBound(c_rows) To UBound(c_rows)
            Dim c_cols As Variant
            c_cols = Split(c_rows(i), vbTab)
            For j = LBound(c_cols) To UBound(c_cols)
                Dim cell As Range
                Set cell = Cells(i_row, i_col)
                With cell
                    .Value = c_cols(j)
                    i_col = i_col + .MergeArea.Columns.Count
                End With
            Next j
            ' 改行
            i_col = st.Column
            i_row = i_row + Cells(i_row, i_col).MergeArea.Rows.Count
        Next i
    End If
    Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub

Private Function CONCATENATE2(rTarget As Range, Optional prefix As String = "", Optional suffix As String = "")
  Dim sWork As String: sWork = ""
  Dim rCell As Range
  For Each rCell In rTarget
    sWork = sWork + prefix + CStr(rCell.Value) + suffix
End Function

Sub SetRedShapeAsDefault()
    Set targetSheet = ActiveSheet

    ' 適当な四角形を描いて「既定の図形に設定」した後消す
    '   塗りつぶし=なし
    '   線色=赤
    '   太さ=2.25
    With targetSheet.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRectangle, Left:=1, Top:=1, Width:=100, Height:=100)
        .Fill.Visible = False
        .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        .Line.Weight = 2.25
    End With
    ' 適当な線を描いて「既定の線に設定」した後消す
    '   線色=赤
    '   太さ=3.0
    With targetSheet.Shapes.AddLine(BeginX:=1, BeginY:=1, EndX:=100, EndY:=100)
        .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        .Line.Weight = 3
    End With
End Sub